Electrical energyElectricityElectricity is a common name for the phenomena which result from the movement or accumulation of electrical charges. Easily recognizable among them are lightnings and static electricity as well as harder to observe ones such as electromagnetic field and electromagnetic induction. The word “electricity” is daily used to describe multiple different effects which have more precise definitions in physics – electrical charge, electrical current, electrical field, electromagnetism. Electrical current is the directed movement of electrical charges and its intensity is measured in amperes. It may consist of randomly moving charged particles which are generally electrons when talking about metallic conductors. Another common example is electrolysis which is in fact ions moving in liquids. It is generally accepted that electrical current whose direction matches the direction of positive charges is referred to as positive (i.e. – the current that flows from positively charged to the negatively charged part of an electrical scheme). This direction is also called technical. Our company produces electrical current through indirect combustion of biogas in a co-generator. The capacity of the biogas installation obtained from secondary biomass is 2 500 000 m³/y, electricity obtained - 4 675 840 kWh/y and 4 910 000 kWh/y of heat. Several other installations are currently at a level of designing and preparation for construction. The production of biogas allows the construction of proper system for electric supply based on co-generation. „Rapid Oil Industry“ Co., Ltd has developed a system for satisfying its technological need for electrical energy and sale of the surplus energy in accordance with the Energy from Renewable sources Act. |