Vacuum systemsVacuumThe term originates from Latin and means “emptiness”. The term vacuum is applied when the pressure in a certain volume is lower than the atmospheric. Absolute vacuum does not exist, therefore vacuum is referred to as technical and physical vacuum, the technical being divided into low, medium, high, very high and ultrahigh. The existing scientific and technical potential of Rapid Oil Industry Co., Ltd. allows the development of technologies and technological vacuum equipment of high level. During the execution of different technological processes, the use of vacuum leads to a significant decrease of the energy costs (drying, distillation), preserves thermolabile products from destruction when temperature processing is needed, reduces the risk of toxic or explosive gas leak during the production process, etc. The vacuum apparatuses and condesers offered by the company operate in the temperature range from -10 to + 150 Сº and in absolute vacuum up to 0.01bar. |