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Control systems

Control systems

Automation of technological processes

The automated control systems minimize the influence of the human factor and provide high level of control and reliability. Led by a desire to achieve high level of integrity of the production process in its different aspects, the team of “Rapid Oil Industry” Co., Ltd. Has focused its efforts on the implementation of contemporary technologies for process management. The automated systems which have been implemented on the basis of such principle allow not only higher productivity but also precise quality control at every stage of the production process. Along with that, working conditions and worker healthcare are improved significantly, especially in the chemical industry and in production processes which involve harmful to humans impacts.

The team of automatics specialists, together with the rest of the engineers and technologists develop and experiment with different in character production tasks, applying innovative approaches and non-standard solutions. All of this is possible because of the use of high-technology devices in the control and management systems.

A series of projects have provided the possibility for complex evaluation of the effectiveness of such production control systems and have made possible the implementation of serious technological innovations allowing for the achievement of results previously considered hard to attain. The profound and focused tests which were performed during different experimental production processes have become possible because of the use of precise and high-technology electronic devices, measuring systems and contemporary devices for physical and chemical interaction part of which were developed by the team. Another aspect of the application of such system solutions is the acquiring of the information necessary for the preparation of trustworthy technological analyses and drafting a winning production strategy.

The desire of the team is to achieve optimum effectiveness of the production processes in combination with high level of reliability, technological flexibility, constant and thorough quality and labour safety control.

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